Cat Can't Sleep Without Toy

Cat owners have often wondered why their cats always seem to bring toys and other items to sleep - sometimes the most weirdest things you can ever imagine. The phenomenon that cats bring toys to their own bed and sometimes to your bed at night, is properly one of the most curious questions in online cat forum.

We are here to explore everything cat owners have reported their cats are bringing to sleep and the reasons why. 


Examples of things that cats bring to bed:

- Toy mouses, stuffed dolls, feather toys

- Shoes, underwear, socks (even dirty socks)

- Tampons

- Empty tin cans, bag of bread

- Kitchen sponges, bath poofs

- Tree twigs

- House insects such as centipedes

- Dead animals


Why do cats do that?

With a bit of research, we found that cats by nature bring their prey back to their territory after hunting. They do so to safety enjoy their meal and to share it with their family and kittens. Cats would also bring these ‘trophies’ back to you to proudly present its hunting skills. Other times, cats just want to share their ‘prey’ with you as a token of gratitude. Most likely, your cat just want you enjoy the fresh meal that it just caught for you. But whether it is in a form of food, hunting trophy or as a gift to its parents, the best place to store its prey is where it sleeps or where you sleep. That way, your cat feels safe about storing what it just caught.

As caring as it may seem, nevertheless, it is hilarious to see the most unimaginable objects they bring to bed. Maybe not so funny to be on the receiving end, but hey we all love our cats regardlessly. 

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