First 3 Things To Teach Any Cat: Feeding, Scratching & Toilet Training

First 3 things to teach any cat in the household should be feeding, scratching & toilet training. Believe me, your life will be so much easier once your cat can accomplish these 3 things by its own. Let's take a look at some of our best tips and advice in each aspect. 


What Food Is Considered Healthy For Your Cat and When To Feed?

Semi-moist foods are usually less expensive because they contain some vegetable protein and are usually supplemented with nutrients to make them nutritionally complete, especially for growing kittens.

cat training feeding scratching pooping

Dry foods contain about 10 percent water and less fat and protein then semi-moist foods. Cats on dry diets should have plenty of water available. Some cats on dry diets may develop bladder problems. Milk, water, or gravy can be mixed with the food to improve appetite and to ensure that the cat gets adequate water intake. One may wish to feed canned foods occasionally to help prevent bladder problems, get the cat used to different types and textures of foods, and ensure tat the cat gets a balanced diet. Dry foods do have the advantage of helping to clean the teeth and prevent the buildup tartar.

The amount of food one gives depends on the cat’s age, weight, breed, condition, and amount of activity it gets. Cats and young kittens will not consume enough food in one meal to last 24 hours. Two meals are recommended and young kittens and females that are pregnant or nursing require more frequent feedings.

Cats should never be given a diet of dog food because it contains large amounts of cereals and vegetables. Because of this, the cat may not get enough animal protein. Dog food also lacks necessary amounts of vitamins A and B and some essential fatty acids. Many times cats will be seen eating grass. The exact reason for this is not known, but it may be an attempt to increase roughage in the diet or to eliminate a hairball.

The amount of exercise a cat needs varies considerably depending on the on the breed and where its home is. A cat living in a city apartment may get very little exercise, whereas one living in rural areas may be allowed to runs free. Apartment cats may need to be furnished with toys, cardboard tubes, or other play equipment to provide them with means to exercise Owners of valuable purebred or snow cats may not want their animals to run free where they risk injury, loss, or unwanted litters. Outdoor cats get plenty exercise however, they run a greater risk of injury from fights, of death or injury of the roadways, and of contacting diseases and parasites. Cats living in indoors should have clean litter box and plenty of water. Owners should be aware of plants that are poisonous to their pets and other dangers if the cat is left alone for long periods of time. To protect the furniture, cats should be trained to use a scratching post.


Training Your Cat To Scratch In Designated Places (Not Your Furniture)

Is your cat climbing the curtains, chewing cords, digging in the garbage, jumping on counters or tables, ripping the carpet or rugs? Cats scratch to sharpen their claws, to remove loose scales and fragments of dry skin, and to leave a mark for other cats. 

Curtains and drapes look great to your cat they can climb them and use them for chewing and shedding. Try installing vertical blinds instead. Vertical Blinds usually made of plastic, which the cat will not be able to climb. With that, he will be able to move a slat on the blind and view the outside world with out tearing down the whole thing. Horizontal blinds are great as well.

Chewing cords or other items: You can easily demotivate your cat from chewing cables by putting distasteful substance on the item. Cayenne pepper, bitter apple, orange, nail polish, orange peels, lemon peels and even dedicated cat repellent sprays and creams from the pet store can help with the chewing issue. 

What is in the garbage bin that your cat has to dig for? Ever had your garbage bin tipped over with your cat ripping through food wastes? Make sure that your cat is on a good feeding schedule so that there is less appetite for digging food wastes. Always keep a solid & tight lid on the garbage bin. A good bin would be one that you have to lift off the top or one that you have to use your foot to open. Place the garbage can out of sight, in the pantry or under the sink where the cat is unable to get to the garbage. 

Carpet ripping is also a painful experience to us cat owners and can be very costly to replace a fine carpet as scratches can be deeply noticeable and irreparable. First thing you can do is to use distasteful substances or cat repellent spray on the carpet to discourage you cats off the carpet. Do not use fabric spray scent as cats love the smell and will be attracted by it. Next, place a cat scratching pole close to its comfort zone to attract your cat away from the carpet. A cat scratching pole or scratching post cost a lot less than replacing carpeting or rugs. Scratching pole usually comes with a scratching rug that takes care of cats' most scratching needs. Kittens should be trained to use a scratching post as soon as they are weaned. You can train the kitten by placing its hands on the scratching post and gently draw its claws across the scratch post. The kitten will soon learn what to do and will usually come to the same post over and over again. 


Toilet Training & Pooping

Correct toilet training is easier with cats than with dogs because cats naturally cover their urine and feces. If a mother cat does a good job of raising her litter, she will probably train them to use a litter box. If a kitten does not know what the litter box if for, can train it easily. Holding it front paws, the owner should show it how to scratch the litter material. Every time the kitten appears to be looking for a place to urinate or defecate, it should be placed in the litter box.

Urine spraying is a natural part of a cat’s behavior. The male cat will spray walls and furniture to mark its territory. If one can catch the cat in act spray it with a water pistol. Another alterative to try is to hang aluminum foil around the spraying areas. Also, one can try feeding the cat in the target areas, because cats will usually not spray near feeding areas.

Some cats can be trained to sit, beg, jump, through hoops, and do other tricks. Training should be similar periods, firm verbal commands, and instant rewards. Whether a cat learns any tricks depends on its intelligence and whether it wants to oblige. In any case, training should not be forced on a cat that does not appear interested.

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